To travel and moving away from home takes courage especially when others around you have a limited belief system or fear based attitude about travel or really anything in life.
People are scared because of the frequent terrorist attacks. That is a serious issue that people and you always want to take precautions when travelling anywhere. But you know what? No matter what is going on in the world, there will always be fear and a limiting belief around doing anything that’s scary.
A traveler should understand the risk of terrorism in a cold, logical, statistical way. Your odds of being killed by a terrorist overseas or in the air are 1 in 20 million (Washington Post and Time). Your odds of being struck by lightning are 1 in 10 million (New York Times). Your odds of being killed by gunfire in the United States are 1 in 32,250 (New York Times).
Does that mean I am going to stay trapped in my house and never go outside and see the world? NO WAY. Travel is still a huge unifier - perhaps a more vital force for peace than ever. If you hate terrorism, the most effective way to fight it is to travel a lot, learn about the world, come home, and help our country fit better into this ever-smaller planet. It’s important to know that it takes courage to step into something that’s scary. The first thing your brain does is try to talk you out of it. You know what’s scary to me? Staying stagnant. Don't do that. LIVE YOUR LIFE.
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